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Tibet = Tybet : The Monastery Monks = Klasztor Mnichów. - [b.m.] : Azurra Music, [b.r.]. - 1 dysk optyczny (CD) (69:38).
(A World of Music)
Kielce - Multimedialny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. CD 110 (1 egz.)
Formatted contents note
Zawiera: 1. Auspicious verses of secret Aja Griva ; 2. The practice of Chod ; 3. Kui.Kyon.Pan (The praise to Tara) - I ; 4. Gandem La Ghiema (Prayer to lama Tzong Khappa) ; 5. Djam.Mon (Prayer of universal love) ; 6. Tamdrim Yangsa Shagpa (Confession and purification of Secret Hayagriva) ; 7. Dag Shen ma (Exchanging Oneself with others) ; 8. Kui.Kyon.Pan (The praise to Tara) - II ; 9. Geua nGuoa (Dedication of mertis of the 10th chapter of the Bodhisattvacaryavatara) ; 10. The Long Life of Mandarava.
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